
Create a React app with Supabase DB and Stripe

a dev guide by Divjoy ✨

About this guide

This development guide walks you through everything you need to do to build a high-quality React app integrated with Supabase DB and Stripe. Check out the tasks below to get started. To save time, you can also use our boilerplate, which gives you a complete React codebase with all of these tasks done for you. Okay, let's dive in!


  • ⚛️Setup your React app

    Setup a React app using npx create-react-app and routing using React Router. There are many ways you can structure your app, but a common setup is to have an App component that defines top-level routes, with each route component imported from the /pages directory. The rest of your components should be located in your /components directory. You can then run your app locally with the npm run start command.
  • 🖥Setup a Node (Express.js) server

    This stack requires server logic, so we'll be setting up a Node (Express.js) server that we can query from our React front-end. We suggest defining your Express.js routes in a file located at /api/index.js and then creating a file for each route handler in the/api directory. Next make sure all requests to /api/* get routed to your Express server port by defining a proxy in your package.json. Lastly, run your server with the node api command in a new terminal window.
  • ⛅️Create Supabase query hooks

    Create React hooks that wrap your Supabase queries, such as useUser, useItem, and useItemsByUser. These hooks should fetch data and return a query status of "success", "loading", or "error". The React Query library makes it especially easy to setup these hooks and have components re-render when data changes.
  • 🛠Create Supabase tables and policies

    Create the database tables that your app requires. For a simple SaaS app you could start with tables for users, customers and items. Your customers and items tables would generally have a user_id column that references users.id. You can create these tables right in your Supabase dashboard, but we recommend writing a create table SQL snippet for each table, allowing you to easily recreate them in the future. Lastly, you'll want to enable Row Level Security for your tables and secure read/write access with policies.
  • 🔫Setup a trigger to create user in database on signup

    When a user signs up with Supabase Auth you'll want to automatically insert their data to the users table so that you can easily query on it. This can be accomplished with a trigger. Setup a trigger that inserts a new row into the users table when a user signs up. You'll also want to create a trigger that updates that data when a user's auth email changes. This ensures that your database is always in sync with user data in Supabase Auth.
  • ⚡Build a data-driven UI

    Create a data-driven UI using your component library of choice that reads/writes data to Supabase. The specifics will depend on the type of app you're building, but we generally recommend having a useItemsByOwner hook that fetches "items" in Supabase that are owned by the current user. You can then create a component for displaying that data in a simple list or table if more columns are needed. Finally, you'll want create a flow for creating and updating items utilizing modal and form components.
  • 💸Integrate with Stripe Checkout

    Create an Express.js route at /api/stripe-checkout that receives a planId value, creates a new Stripe Checkout session for the given plan using stripe.checkout.sessions.create(), and then returns the session object. Next you'll create a /purchase/[planId] page that initiates the checkout flow. This page should automatically make a request to /api/stripe-checkout to get a new Checkout session and and then redirect to Checkout by calling stripe.redirectToCheckout(session.id). Finally, you'll design your plan selection UI using your component library of choice and link each plan to the /purchase/[planId] page you've setup above.
  • ⚙️Integrate with Stripe Customer Portal

    Create an Express.js route at /api/stripe-portal that creates a new Stripe Customer Portal session using stripe.billingPortal.sessions.create() and then returns thesession object. Next you'll create a /settings/billing page that initiates the Customer Portal flow. This page should automatically make a request to /api/stripe-portal to get a new session and then redirect to the Customer Portal using the session.url value. Next you'll create a settings UI using your component library of choice and link to the /settings/billing page you setup above. Now your users can easily manage billing info and change payment methods.
  • ↩Create a Stripe webhook

    In order to handle Stripe payment events you'll need to setup a webhook server endpoint. Create an Express.js route at /api/stripe-webhook that uses the stripe library to parse data from the request body, validate the event using stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(), and then call a handler function for each of the following events: checkout.session.completed, invoice.payment_succeeded, invoice.payment_failed, customer.subscription.updated, and customer.subscription.deleted. Your event handlers should update the user in the database so that your database contains their current plan and subscription status. When running your app locally, Stripe won't be able to ping your webhook endpoint, so you'll want to make sure to use the Stripe CLI to listen to events and route them to your local /api/stripe-webhook endpoint.

Get the code

You can get the code for this guide with our React, Supabase DB, and Stripe Boilerplate. You'll get a complete React codebase with Supabase DB and Stripe integration, all the tasks listed above done for you, and a responsive multi-page template. It should save you about two weeks of development time.

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