
Bulma Component Library

High-quality components
built with Material UI and React.js

Navbar with row of links and sign up button

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Navbar with row of links and sign up button Bulma component

Hero with button

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Hero with button Bulma component

Hero with image on right

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Hero with image on right Bulma component

FAQ with expandable items

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FAQ with expandable items Bulma component

Newsletter with form on right

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Newsletter with form on right Bulma component

Newsletter with centered form

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Newsletter with centered form Bulma component

Features in two-column grid

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Features in two-column grid Bulma component

Features with alternating rows

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Features with alternating rows Bulma component

Features with image on left

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Features with image on left Bulma component

Clients with logos

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Clients with logos Bulma component

Cards with images in four-column grid

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Cards with images in four-column grid Bulma component

Embedded responsive video

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Embedded responsive video Bulma component

Testimonials with avatar

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Testimonials with avatar Bulma component

Testimonials centered with avatar at top

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Testimonials centered with avatar at top Bulma component

Team bios with avatar

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Team bios with avatar Bulma component

Team bios with header image

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Team bios with header image Bulma component

Team bios with round images in grid

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Team bios with round images in grid Bulma component

Stats row with numbers

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Stats row with numbers Bulma component

Pricing with 3 plans and feature list

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Pricing with 3 plans and feature list Bulma component

Contact form

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Contact form Bulma component

Contact form with embedded map

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Contact form with embedded map Bulma component

Footer with multiple columns

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Footer with multiple columns Bulma component

Footer with row of links

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Footer with row of links Bulma component

Get the code

You can get the code for this component in our React and Bulma Boilerplate. You'll get a complete React codebase with Bulma integration, a beautiful multi-page template, additional integrations if you need them (like auth and payments), and access to our entire Bulma component library.

We also have component libraries for Material UI, Bootstrap and Tailwind